Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, translates to the Science of Light. Light here refers to the light radiating from stars and planets. It is a sister science to Ayurveda and they are often used together as they complement each other. 

A vedic astrology reading provides a map of karma and it is used to give an insight into various aspects of your life. 

It can be used to: 

  • Understand yourself better by gaining insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses and potential
  • Guide personalised health practices and preventative measures in line with Ayurveda 
  • Predict ones natural constitution (Prakruti) and imbalances (Vikruti)
  • Provide guidance to align with your soul’s highest purpose
  • Help you to understand your path of destiny 

Destiny Vs Free will 

Our future is a co-creation between destiny and free will. This is a fundamental concept in Vedic Astrology that helps individuals understand their life’s path and potential.

Destiny (Prarabdha Karma)  – The portion of past karma that has manifested in this lifetime. It includes certain circumstances or events that are predestined

Free Will (Purushartha) – The power to make choices and take action that influences future outcomes

Destiny gives potential scenarios, but free will allows individuals to navigate these conditions and shape their outcomes. Awareness of your birth chart and astrological influences provides a roadmap of your life’s journey. With this awareness you can navigate through life’s challenges more effectively. Whilst some events are predestined, how one responds to them through free will can significantly alter the course of their life and optimising free will to navigate through life more effectively.

It’s like destiny provides the framework and free will empowers individuals to make conscious choices that enhance their life journey.

Vedic Astrology helps us to get the best from our destiny and to live a life in alignment with your higher purpose




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