Ayurvedic Marma Massage

Ayurvedic massage, deeply rooted in the ancient Indian system of holistic healing, offers more than just relaxation. It promotes overall wellness by balancing the body’s energies, enhancing circulation, and detoxifying the system.  

Marma points are energy points on the body, which are stimulated during an Ayurvedic Marma massage to help the flow of prana (vital energy).

The smooth flow of prana is essential for optimal health as it the vital force that energise the body and gives us life. When the flow of prana is obstructed, it can lead to various health issues as well as aches and pains.  Ayurvedic massage helps to clear these blockages thus rejuvenates the body both physically and mentally, promoting overall well-being, reducing stress, and enhancing vitality.

This form of treatment uses warm herbal or medicated oils tailored to an individual  to promote balance and harmony which is essential in maintaining health and preventing diseases.

Pinda Sweda is a form of treatment used during an Ayurvedic Marma Massage that uses hot herbal poultices that are pressed into the skin. Pinda sweda is used to deliver heat and benefits from the herbal ingredients deep into the body’s tissues. Heat induces sweating and therefore promotes elimination of toxins from the body and improves absorption of herbs through the open pores.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage

Physical Benefits:

  • Nourishes all 7 layers of body tissues (dhatus) therefore making you feel and look younger
  • Aids the digestive system and can alleviate digestive issues such as constipation, bloating and indigestion
  • Provides pain relief including pain in muscles and joints and can help with conditions such as arthritis, back pain and sciatica
  • Induces sleep and helps soothes the wandering mind
  • Improves clarity and vision of the eyes and eases eye tension -(head and face massages)
  • Strengthens the body by increasing circulation and movement of vital fluids 
  • Encourages removal of toxins (ama) through increased circulation which promotes overall health and vitality
  • Increases longevity and makes the body more resistance to disease development
  • Hydrates the skin and improves skin texture giving you a healthy glow 
  • Helps with muscle stiffness and joint flexibility 



Emotional Benefits:

  • Promotes deeper breathing patterns which helps in releasing stress and tension that has built up
  • Removes fatigue and relaxes the body including muscles, nerves, bones
  • Promotes a deep state of relaxation
  • Helps you get into a meditative state which can enhance spiritual well-being
  • Encourages the flow of energy throughout the body
  • Helps in releasing emotional blockages